MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Virginia Carrocio -PPAPB President 2020-2021

Where are you from? 

Uruguay, South America.

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I’m very passionate about family, the environment, and a healthy lifestyle. However, I think what defines me is my tenacity, love for books, and learning in general. I’m also a firm believer that when there is a Will, there is a Way.

In Uruguay, I attended a two-year course and became an Executive Secretary, which allowed me to get a top paid job and afford tuition at a private University. I earned a degree in Interior Design and another in Business Administration while working full time. When I came to the US, a boutique Interior Design company in Miami sponsored me with a Professional Visa making it possible to work here.

How did you become interested in Photography? 

Here in the US after struggling with infertility for seven years, I decided no more IVFs, no more hormone treatments, no more specialists.  I placed my career as an Interior Designer in pause, started acupuncture, running, yoga, and healthy eating. Eight months later I was blessed with my baby.  It was a real ‘Aha!’ moment for me and decided to make a shift in my life.  After my daughter was born, I formally started studying Photography.  

What type of photography do you specialize in? 

Luxury Portraits

How did you come to specialize in this type of photography?

Portraits, because I’m fascinated by human emotions and expressions. Luxury, because working at a high-end Interior Design Firm for years, made me realized that high-end homes needed more personal touches. To me, personalization goes beyond having custom finishes around your home. Personalization is also about showcasing your values. Portraits of those you love, yourself included, is one of the best ways to do it.

What other attributes do you have that you think contribute to your success as a photographer?

My background in Art, and Interior Design makes a huge difference. It allows me to create Artistic Portraits that coordinate perfectly with their homes.

What advice would you give someone just starting a photography business? OR What advice would you give someone just starting to learn photography?

Technical knowledge of photography is not going to take you far if you do not know how to run a business and market yourself. Nobody is going to knock on your door, you need to put your work and yourself out there.  Get your photos critiqued by experienced photographers, it will help you grow as an artist, competition is a good tool for this. Finally, join an established, friendly, photographer association.  My work and career wouldn’t be the same without the knowledge I’ve gotten through their classes and the support of friends and colleagues I’ve met through them.  

Where can others go to see more of your work or contact you for your photography services?
